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Fibonacci Trading Life

Over 770 million tonnes of wheat is produced worldwide every year, with over 40% coming from China, India and Russia. But what is the...

Fibonacci Trading Life

Over 350 million tonnes of soybeans are produced worldwide every year, mostly in the US and Brazil, but also in Argentina, China, India, and...

Fibonacci Trading Life

Over 1.5 million tonnes of orange juice is produced worldwide every year, from about 50 million tonnes of oranges. But what is the orange...

Fibonacci Trading Life

Over 170 million tonnes of sugar is produced worldwide every year, about 80% from sugar cane and the remainder from sugar beet. But what...

Fibonacci Trading Life

As traders, this is the question we all ask ourselves. Even if we have been trading our plan profitably for some time, our equity...

Fibonacci Trading Life

How we spend the first hour of our mornings sets us up for the day and can make a big difference to how we...